Schwarzenegger visits Budapest: A gym session with PM Orbán and a surprise appearance at a local spot
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous actor and former governor of California, made an appearance at Déryné, a restaurant popular among international celebrities in Budapest. His visit sparked curiosity as he wasn’t in Hungary for a film shoot like Morgan Freeman had been a few weeks earlier. The answer likely lies in Prague, where Schwarzenegger has been filming the second season of the Netflix series Fubar. Given the proximity to Budapest, it seems the actor decided to make a quick stop in the Hungarian capital, which he has visited several times before, including for the funeral of his friend Andy Vajna in 2019.
Schwarzenegger in Budapest
Schwarzenegger’s time in Budapest wasn’t just about food, though. He met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the Carmelite Monastery, the government’s headquarters, Telex reports. In a playful twist, the prime minister posted photos on his social media of Schwarzenegger sitting in his chair, captioned with, “This is just the beginning! 💪.”
Not long after, another post followed showing Schwarzenegger giving Orbán workout tips as the Hungarian leader jokingly pretended to lift weights in a formal shirt.
Despite leaving his workout gear at home, Orbán seemed to enjoy the impromptu fitness session. It’s well known that the prime minister has returned to regular training, reportedly using kettlebells ranging from 16 to 24 kilograms. The pair later visited Flex Gym in Budapest, where Schwarzenegger posed with a life-sized Terminator statue, solidifying the humorous and lighthearted tone of the day.
In a video shared later, Orbán was seen driving Schwarzenegger around Budapest, with the two chatting in the car. Orbán commented on how tourists who spotted Schwarzenegger likely had no idea who Orbán was, while the former governor playfully praised the prime minister for being an excellent driver.
Orbán posted a photo gallery on his Facebook page:
Schwarzenegger in Déryné:
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